Think Twice Foundation
Sober Sister

Best Practices
- Universal battery packs extend the life of a smartphone. Buy a few that can be checked out by each SGM and returned at the end of the night.
- All officers of the house should help the Lead Sober Sister Program Manager with the backup designated driver responsibility. We don’t want one officer to be on call throughout the entire school year.
- For sisters who do not live in the house, it is a good idea to add their address to their contact information, and any other shared database used by the house, prior to going out.
- The responsibilities should not be class based, nor should any non-initiate member volunteer to be an SGM or Designated Driver. Everyone shares this responsibility, from seniors to freshmen, but a specific group should not be expected to “serve” anyone. (a form of hazing is servitude.)
- Not every group member is going to listen to SGMs when it’s time to go home. No sister left behind is important, but if a group member refuses to listen, take note of where they are and the time so the Lead Sober Sister Program Manager can be aware of the situation.
Drinking Habits
Of high-school seniors drank alcohol in the last 30 days
Of high-school seniors say they’ve had five or more drinks in a row in the last 30 days
Of college students say they’ve had five or more drinks in a row in the last 30 days
Of college students dont’ drink
Estimate given by college students of peers who don’t drink